
铁杆组 RYOMA龙马 DSI 高尔夫杆头

  • 货  号:G5E85D91AD9701
  • 品  牌:RYOMA
  • 您的价格:请联系店长阿威微信 13632777426
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RYOMA Irons是RYOMA备受期待的第一批熨斗。

Ryoma将其专有的DSI技术(在RYOMA驱动器和球道木杆中得到证明)纳入了该系列铁杆的设计中。由钛合金制成的Spring Face(世界上同类产品中的第一个)无缝地延伸到鞋底10毫米,无论撞击中心如何,它都能以很高的初始速度释放球。

由钨制成的Power Booster,具有17的超高比重,附着在面部的下背部,使头部具有低而深的重心,从而提供了较宽的甜美区域,并赋予了较大的甜美感。撞击时向球施加的能量。与传统的铁杆相比,RYOMA铁杆将偏心射门造成的球的飞行距离和方向不一致的程度降低了一半以上。各种技巧的高尔夫球手都可以从这些铁杆的超凡宽容中受益,与使用具有相当杆面倾角的传统铁杆相比,铁杆击球平均增加10码。



助力器-铁杆的杆头必须具有较低的重心,以使其易于放倒球;而且它必须具有深的重心,才能让许多玩家更加宽容。然而,问题在于,常规设计的铁头具有低和浅的重心或高和深的重心。到目前为止,铁头的重心仍然很低但很深,直到现在,这是不可能的。RYOMA专有的杆头设计和焊接技术使不可能成为可能-无需加宽球杆底。在对各种熨斗的重心模式进行了详尽的分析之后,将Power Booster(粉末状钨粉)成型而成,粉末的钨粉具有超高的比重,该钨粉的比重为17,该Power Booster附着在脸部的下背部,从而获得较低的重量。重心位于头部。

钛弹簧面-当常规铁杆从发球区击中球时,与在地面上击球相比,球的飞行时间更长。这是因为球杆的杆面在不同的撞击位置击球。在发球区之外,球杆杆面击中距离前缘18毫米的球,而在地面上击中球面距前缘9毫米。此外,球杆杆面的垂直冲击位置取决于杆面是击打深部毛坯中的球还是击中毛坯中的球。脸上不同的撞击位置会给球带来不同程度的初始速度和旋转,从而导致球的飞行距离不一致。每款RYOMA Iron均配备了我们专有的钛合金弹簧面,

辅助鞋底-RYOMA Iron的狭窄主底使它可以轻松击打球,并且可以通过良好的挥杆来快速挥杆,例如在球道上。当球发球或从球道上的沙坑中击出球时,主底脚后部的辅助Assist Sole会踢入球,形成特大号的宽底,并防止杆头过深地陷入沙中。由于超大鞋底可抑制过度的头转弯并减少飞行距离的损失,因此您可以最大程度地减少错失球的机会,并改善球场的得分表现。

最佳  发射-撞击后球的飞行距离和方向不是由杆面倾角决定的,而是由发射角和赋予球的旋转量决定的。RYOMA Iron系列的每个球杆都配备有独立设计的Power Booster,可在撞击时为球提供最佳的发射角度和旋转量。该系列可促进球杆之间始终如一的最佳距离。

RYOMA Irons are the much-anticipated first series of irons from RYOMA.

Ryoma incorporated its proprietary DSI technology, which has proven itself in RYOMA drivers and fairway woods, into the design of this series of irons. The Spring Face made of titanium alloy—the world’s first of its kind—extends 10 mm seamlessly into the sole, which releases a ball at a high initial velocity regardless of centeredness of impact.

The Power Booster, made of tungsten with an ultra-high specific weight of 17, is attached to the lower back of the face to give the head a low yet deep center of gravity, which in turn provides a wide sweet area and imparts a substantial force of energy to a ball upon impact. A RYOMA Iron reduces the extent of inconsistency in a ball’s flying distance and direction caused by off-center shots by more than half compared with conventional irons. Golfers of every skill level can benefit from the exceptional forgiveness of these irons and add an average of 10 yards to their iron shots compared with when using conventional irons with a comparable loft angle.

These high-performance RYOMA Irons give you a greater confidence in landing a ball on the green in regulation.


POWER BOOSTER - The club head of an iron must have a low center of gravity to make it easier to loft a ball; and it must have a deep center of gravity to be more forgiving for many players. However, the problem is that a conventionally designed iron head has either a low and shallow center of gravity or a high and deep center of gravity. Hitherto it was impossible to have an iron head that has a low yet deep center of gravity—until now, that is. RYOMA's proprietary head design and welding technology have made the impossible possible—without widening the club sole. After exhaustive analyses of the center-of-gravity patterns of various irons, the Power Booster, which is molded from powdered tungsten* having an ultra-high specific weight of 17, is attached to the lower back of the face to give a low yet deep center of gravity to the head. The end result is a RYOMA Iron that enables you to hit a ball with exceptional control of direction and distance.

TITANIUM SPRING FACE - When a conventional iron hits a ball off the tee, the ball flies longer than when hitting a ball off the ground. This is because the face of a club hits a ball at different impact positions. Off the tee, a club face hits a ball 18 mm from the leading edge, while off the ground it hits a ball 9 mm from the leading edge. Furthermore, the vertical impact position on the club face varies depending on whether the face hits a ball out of the deep rough or a ball sitting on the rough. Different impact positions on the face give a ball a different amount of initial velocity and spin, which results in inconsistency in a ball’s flying distance. Each RYOMA Iron is equipped with our proprietary Spring Face made of titanium alloy, which bends inward in the power spring zone upon impact before returning to its original form and imparting a substantial force of energy to the ball regardless of centeredness of impact.

ASSIST SOLE - The narrow primary sole of a RYOMA Iron makes it easy to hit a ball clean with a quick swing-through from a good lie, such as on the fairway. When a ball is given a fat shot or hit out of a sand trap on the fairway, the supplemental Assist Sole behind the primary sole kicks in, making an oversize wide sole and preventing the head from plunging too deeply into the sand. As the oversize sole works to suppress excessive head turn and reduce the loss of flying distance, you can minimize the chance of missing shots and improve your score performance on the course.

OPTIMUM LAUNCH - The flying distance and direction that a ball takes after impact is not determined by loft, but by the launch angle and amount of spin given to the ball. Each club in the RYOMA Iron series is equipped with an individually designed Power Booster to give the optimum launch angle and amount of spin to a ball upon impact. This series promotes consistent and optimum distance gapping among the clubs.